Sometimes I have to blink twice when I pull up our new Absolutely Natural web site that debuted March 21.It’s a little hard for me to believe that it really is ours. It is so upscale, professional, beautiful, efficient, exciting (some adjectives are mine and some from our customers) … it is mind-boggling! A big congratulations and even bigger thank you goes to Suzanne Clements, her team and Lindsey Pushman.
Suzanne, as most of you know, is our award winning graphic artist who designed the site while Lindsey is my VP. Together they worked diligently to develop and refine the “look,” content, flow and so much more. They invested hours researching and plotting the site and the result couldn’t have pleased me more.
More to come
We have big plans for more site improvements as well as online events (Fan Friday has been on of our most recent additions). Beyond the website they’ve been spearheading our Facebook page development which has gone from a small but mighty 250 friends to more than 1600 in fewer than three months. Again, great job ladies!
Looking back
For those of you that have been with us for years, you must share my awe in the quality of the site because you probably remember our first attempt. It was in the mid-1990’s and the first site was a colorful, jumbled mess packed full of more copy than a Sunday edition of the New York Times. Short on pictures, devoid of conveniences and minus a shopping cart, what we lacked in style we attempted to make up with copy … copious quantities of text and a few charts. Oh and you can’t leave out: bad pictures of the product.
Enter Suzanne several years ago who promptly redid the site and improved it 500%. I thought we would never top that but here we are!
The new site has increased our traffic, increased our sales and allows us to communicate better with our clients. It is still a work in progress and please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on our new site. We’ve already implemented a number of customer suggestions into the new layout.
I’m so excited with the results of this venture that we are going to redo several of our sites, brochures and other collateral materials. Look for more improvements and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
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