It is a rare thing to find a company that can truly inspire people and even more rare to have such accessibility to these same people. Every day, Charley personally answers the phones along with the rest of his staff. They answer emails, pop onto Facebook and welcome visitors to their Melbourne, Florida location. But what makes this most significant? They listen.
Absolutely Natural is the company they are today, in part, because of the impressive vision, passion and personality of Charley and his staff. But, what inspire them every day are their fans and friends who share their experiences, ideas and accolades. I can still remember one of my first meetings with them. They handed me a full stack of printed testimonials and were able to recite numerous stories by heart. They know life-long clients by name and can tell you details about their families and careers. No joke.
It is this same group of people, their fans and friends, who are now showing their support for such a great cause, raising nearly $900 as of today! In helping sea turtles survive, we help other sea creatures as well. This recent push to have our friends and fans show their support on Facebook has been inspiring to us and we’re so close to reaching our goal and then some.
I wanted to reach out and say thank you for making it all possible. You are a critical part of what makes Absolutely Natural such an amazing company. We are looking forward to more fun projects to come, but for now… thank you and ONWARD!
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