Year after year it’s always the same thing:
• Lose weight
• Get organized
• Exercise 20 hours a week.
The resolutions usually last less than the time it takes to make them, but I challenge our customers to embark upon an Absolutely Natural Year of Resolutions.
Resolve to do something good for your whole body:
Resolve to use our incredible Organic Oil or Organic Crème daily for a month. You will be amazed at the results. I talked to a man just yesterday who has severe eczema … to the point where he has had no hair on his right arm for years. His wife talked him into using the organic oil everyday and within one month his skin condition improved dramatically and his arm hair had returned! He is absolutely thrilled.
Resolve to reveal more radiant youthful skin:
We recommend your daily “work out” consist of our daily regimen for your face, Facials … the Absolutely Natural five-step facials program. Burn calories morning and night using our cleanser and following with the astringent, toner and then our uplifting daily facial lotion. Two to three times a week you can increase the activity by incorporating our bamboo exfoliator into the mix. Feel the burn? Actually, no you won’t; you’ll only feel the amazing softness, smoothness and enjoy the youthfulness our Facials System promises and delivers.
Resolve this year to eliminate
sulfates, phthalates and parabens from your skin and blood stream:
It’s easy with Absolutely Natural’s new spa products. Choose between our Papaya Pineapple or Cucumber Mint natural fragrances in the personal care products … shampoo, conditioner, body wash and body lotion. The products are moisturizing and a nutrient-rich treat for the skin, hair and scalp.
Resolve to stay hydrated and protected:
This summer keep your skin protected by our natural sunscreens and hydrated by the phenomenal aloe, shea butter, squalane-based lotion in all of our sunscreens and Rosehip Aloe.
Resolve to save the planet’s precious resources:
While enjoying the sun, you can live up to your resolution of helping save the planet as NONE of our products will harm the coral reefs of our precious oceans.
In fact, as the founder and owner of company, I think we should all resolve to improve our skin, our hair, our health and environment by using as many Absolutely Natural products as possible. Of course, this is written with serious tongue-in-cheek intentions. I’m all for exercising, losing weight and all the resolutions so many of us make year in and year out, but the Absolutely Natural 2011 resolutions will be the easiest to stick with.
Happy New Year and thanks for your continued support.
1 comment:
nice post dear :) as always i look up to them hearing from u :)
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