Should you be scared? Not if you're using our products at Absolutely Natural!
These statistics come from the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) 2009 Study.
These statistics come from the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) 2009 Study.
I'll attach a link at the end of this post to a report posted on WebMD, regarding their thoughts on the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) study.
I have my own opinions of the criteria used by the EWG to rate sunscreens and will be sharing many thoughts in coming posts. In general, I believe each of the following quotes found within the WebMD article hold merit:
Jane Houlihan, EWG, Senior VP for Research:
"I'd give the industry a C minus. They have moved from a D to a C-minus in my book."Sandra Read, MD, a Washington, D.C., Dermatologist and member of the board of directors of the American Academy of Dermatology:
"Using sunscreen correctly, using the right sunscreen for your exposure and skin type, and reapplying every two hours is crucial."Henry Lim, MD, Chairman of the department of dermatology at Henry Ford Health Systems in Detroit. Member of the photobiology committee of the Skin Cancer Foundation and chairman of the Council on Science and Research of the American Academy of Dermatology.
"Some points are definitely correct. But, he adds, this report has somewhat of an alarmist tone.''
From the perspective of Absolutely Natural and our suncare products in comparison to the chemically laden products typically found on merchant's shelves:
- We applaud the efforts of the EWG to serve as a consumer watchdog group regarding the safety of suncare and other consumer products. They definitely have helped raise awareness of potential toxic dangers from various chemical ingredients commonly used in sunscreens.
- We created the first 100% natural suncare line in 1992 for the sole purpose of removing chemical sunscreens, parabens, petro-chemicals and other ingredients we viewed as non-desirable for our customers.
Article Link from WebMD summarizing the Environmental Working Group's 2009 Suncare Report and from where I sourced quotes from the various individuals noted in my post.
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