Before I founded Absolutely Natural in 1992, I spent 20 years selling and distributing other, nationally recognized brands of suncare – brands you would be familiar with. In all those years, I only got a handful of people writing to relay to us how much they liked the product. They wouldn’t fill a shoe box.
The above fact makes what has happened with Absolutely Natural even more remarkable. Throughout the last two decades, we have received thousands of positive letters from our happy clients extolling the merits of our products.
They often start like this, “Every time I use the Rosehip Aloe it reminds me of Maui (or Mexico, or the Caribbean, or any other of our worldwide destinations).” We have hundreds of those.
You Saved My Vacation
I really appreciate the ones where we have helped people. “You saved my vacation” is a frequent theme where someone got too much sun and our aloes saved the day. I got one from a women who started, “We were 10 minutes from leaving for the hospital when we talked to your skin care consultant.” We’ve had others who have shared with us that they were “never able to enjoy the outdoors until finding Absolutely Natural.”
We have drawers full of letters from people who have improved their skin, their hair and their love life because of our all-natural cosmetic formulas. “My husband and I feel like we’re back in Cancun every time we use the Organic Oil. We trade back rubs several times a week now.” This was one happy woman!
Dear Charley, I have tears in my eyes as I write this…
My favorite one started like this, “Dear Charley, I have tears in my eyes as I write this …” It was about her daughter who had such terrible acne that she was severely depressed and basically sat in her room avoiding contact with the outside world. She actually had trouble attending school. We worked with her step by step with our incredible facials products. She started seeing improvement within days - and sticking to the program made a significant improvement on her complexion. The letter went on, “… thanks to you and your products, my daughter is a new person. Happy, outgoing and successful. You have a friend and customer for life.” That was two years ago and she still talks to us frequently.
I love hearing from our customers and the favorite part of my day is reading our testimonials. Keep them coming!
Best regards,